Marsel Mavletkulov

I find professional satisfaction in building reliable services, writing documentation and clear Go code. I would like to learn more about systems performance.

Based in Montreal, QC, Canada. I’ve been working remotely for a decade.

Work Experience

Site Reliability Engineer at fintech startup 🚀 February 2021 — December 2022 Software Architect August 2017 — September 2020 Senior Software Engineer July 2014 — August 2017

  • built a wallet service (Django, PostgreSQL) which helped the company grow from thousands to over 15 millions of customers;

  • designed a new ledger (Go, PostgreSQL, Kafka) to solve scalability issues and led the team focused on its delivery;

  • ran an architecture guild meetings, gave talks about architecture, Kafka, LSM storages, PostgreSQL, scalability of web services, SaltStack;

  • set up CI, and infrastructure based on SaltStack which helped to quickly provision dozens of EC2 instances to cope with exponential growth;

  • introduced ELK, Prometheus, Jaeger to help developers with troubleshooting;

  • decoupled and redesigned the core services from Flask monolith to scale them independently, e.g., currency quotes service, account management service (sign up/in, TFA);

  • helped with Go adoption (no ORM, web or testing frameworks): common project structure leveraging Go kit components (JSON/gRPC transports, telemetry, rate limiter, circuit breaker);

  • improved code quality, architecture and advocated for both (conventions/proposals gardening similar to Go proposals);

  • as a first remote developer helped to scale the engineering team which ended up working remotely;

  • fostered an engineering culture of service ownership;

  • been on-call to provide a quick incident response;

To try something different I joined infrastructure team as an SRE

  • added horizontal/vertical pod autoscaling for 17 services which increased overall resiliency, helped to handle x2 traffic, reduced infrastructure costs by 20%;

  • rewrote parts of 5 Django/Celery core services in Go to reduce memory (tens of gigabytes) and CPU consumption in Kubernetes cluster, see gopher-celery;

  • improved internal tooling, e.g., wrote a Terraform plugin to rotate PostgreSQL roles, implemented observability tool for Celery queues in Go, a dynamic service configuration based on AWS SSM, EventBridge, Kafka;

  • introduced continuous profiling and reconstructed a BPF agent for fun;

  • investigated and resolved API latency outliers, e.g., AWS SDK latency due to STS requests going to the global endpoint, and misconfigured SNS retry policy;

Python Developer contractor at icon fonts generator Fontastic (Webalys) 🤌 January 2014 — July 2014

  • improved project monetization with SVG sprite hosting and billing, e.g., implemented recurring PayPal payments, usage limits of font hosting, coroutine based AWS S3 and CloudFront log analyzer);

  • introduced infrastructure as code (Ansible) to limit human errors;

  • refactored and documented backend (Django, PostgreSQL) reducing tech debt;

Python Developer at cloud-based file upload SaaS Uploadcare 🆙 November 2012 — August 2013

  • integrated Stripe so that the company could start generating revenue;

  • developed customer dashboards (Django, PostgreSQL);

  • improved API client pyuploadcare (mass refactoring, documentation, Python3 support, first major release);

Python Developer at concert organization startup 🤟 July 2012 — October 2012

  • launched the project in 3 months (two developers) and it started to sell tickets;

  • developed the following Django components: social auth, voting system, concert’s pages, singer’s profile page, displaying similar bands, email sending, monetization (tickets, orders, discounts, payments);


In 2005 I enrolled in Samara State Aerospace University, then in 2007 relocated and continued the curriculum at Ufa State Aviation Technical University, graduating in 2012 with Master’s degree in Computer Science.

Marsel Mavletkulov